
David Hagen’s Wildflower Resources

How to Find


Washington’s Best Wildflower Hikes, by Charles Gurche

Best Wildflower Hikes, Washington, by Art Kruckeberg

Watchable Wildflowers: A Columbia Basin Guide, by the Wenatchee BLM

(Any and all the general hiking guides)


 Washington Trails Association (

A Few of David’s Favorite Locations

Cowiche Canyon Uplands

Snow Mountain Ranch

Umtanum Ridge from the Wenas-Ellensburg Road at Bluebird Box #19

Rocky Prairie

Manastash Observatory Road

Gold Creek – Devil’s Slide Trail

Naches Peak Loop Trail

Mt Rainier National Park

The Goat Rocks

How To Identify


Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest, by Mark Turner & Phyllis Gustafson

Mountain Plants of the Pacific Northwest, by Ronald J. Taylor & George W. Douglas

Sagebrush Country: A Wildflower Sanctuary, by Ronald J. Taylor

Northwest Weeds, by Ronald J. Taylor


Burke Herbarium Image Collection (

Washington Native Plant Society (

Google Search ( (and any of the web search engines)


Washington Wildflowers, UW Burke Museum

Seek, California Academy of Sciences & the National Geographic Society

Picture This, Glority Group, Limited

How To Photograph

Three Categories of Wildflower Photos

Portraits (close up – one flower)

Landscapes (far away – meadows full of many flowers)

Wildflowers in their habitat (midrange – some flowers with background)


Start with a good specimen.

Be aware of distracting elements.

For portraits, photograph in diffuse light if possible.

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